A few days ago, Alan Lazalde published a piece about the importance of the hackatons . In his article, Alan praises the advantages of these programming marathon. If any of you want to experience first hand, in Mexico City will be the OpenDataMX from 24 to 25 August. What is it?It is an initiative to transform government databases into useful information for society, especially for analysts and journalists who can use it in derivative works.
Through OpenDataMX is convened programmers, hackers, interface designers and other computer professionals so that in 36 hours, develop solutions that help government transparency . Among the databases that are available for the dataset are hackathon funding to forestry program 2011 (Mexican Civil Council for Sustainable Forestry), the relationship of children and adolescents selected for scholarship 2011 (Comprehensive Development the Family), the Basic Education Program for Children Migrants (PRONIM) or database PROCAMPO program. You can also find all the databases in the OpenDataMX GitHub.For those interested in participating, there will be a briefing on Wednesday 22 at 17:00 . The hackathon will be held at the University of Communication (Zacatecas 120, Colonia Roma, CP 06700, Mexico DF); starts at 8:30 on Friday 24 and end at 20:00 on Saturday 25. The works are free category (ie, the limit is the imagination of programmers) and there will be awards for the top three, with incentives of 30, 20 and 10 thousand dollars for first, second and third place respectively.
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